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Thursday, March 06, 2008

Two Events in March in Support of Purulia Micro-Finance Initiative

Village Earth- Purulia is, among many things, a micro credit program which aims to increase the standard of living in West-Bengal as well as create economic opportunities that do not deplete Ayodhya Hill, the local forest. Based on the methods that won Muhammad Yunus a Nobel Peace Prize, the Village Earth- Purulia micro credit program lends small group loans to women in the area, who use the money as capital to start their own enterprises. The womens' groups have shown great ingenuity and creativity in endeavors which vary greatly- from tilapia farming to hand crafts. The events scheduled for April will be fund raisers. The proceeds will go toward expanding the program, which is intended grow to 500 women and to incorporate villages all across the district.

The first event will take place at Alley Cat Cafe, located at 120 ½ W Laurel, on March 17th at 6pm. The second will be hosted by Matter Bookstore, located at 144 N College, on March 18th at 7pm. Both events will include a free showing of the film “The Faces of MicroCredit” and will be followed by a brief presentation on the Village Earth- Purulia project and a Q&A session. Participants will have the opportunity to make donations at the event, get involved with Village Earth, and browse our Indian handcrafts. Alternately, those who cannot make the event can always participate in the project by visiting us at to make a donation or to browse through our project blogs and photos.